Services We Offer


Physical Therapy: Our Physical Therapists cast and custom fit children for ankle-foot orthosis using Cascade DAFO’s.  The Physical Therapists come to the home with all of the necessary equipment to aide the child in mobility (walkers, parallel bars, steps and standers).


Occupational Therapy:  In addition to traditional Occupational Therapy (fine motor and visual perceptual skills), our therapists specialize in sensory processing disorders, feeding issues, handwriting and the Therapeutic Listening Program.


Speech Therapy:  Our Speech Therapists have completed additional training in the areas of motor skills, feeding issues, augmentative communication, language, fluency, voice, as well as traditional articulation and language therapy.


Early Intervention:  Infant Toddler Developmental Specialists work with the 0-3 population to enhance cognitive development.  These therapists work under the guidance of Physical, Occupational and Speech therapists to target all areas of the child’s development.  CFPTA early interventionists are trained in behavior modification and sign language.


Hippotherapy: The word “hippotherapy” comes from the Greek “hippos” meaning horse and “therapy” meaning care. Thus, hippotherapy is the utilization of the horse for therapeutic purposes rather than equestrian goals. Hippotherapy is a rehabilitation strategy using a mobile and live instrument called “horse”. The horse possesses motor and emotional, neuro-sensitive stimulation qualities never equaled by any other method. The horse offers 110 multidimensional movements by impulsion every minute. In hippotherapy, the rider does not influence the horse but rather the movement of the horse stimulates postural and muscular reactions on the rider. The rider will take different positions on the horse to stimulate affected group muscles. Intrinsically, riding a horse is a beneficial activity for any person challenged with a physical, cognitive, speech-language and/or emotional disability. The unique attributes of hippotherapy lies in the gait of the therapy horse. The horse having gaits with a three dimensional swinging motion (as does the human body) is a living therapy tool for the rider, enabling the rider to experience up/down, forward/backward, and side-to-side motion.

Hippotherapy is a specialization reserved to licensed rehabilitation specialists:

Occupational therapists
Speech-language specialists
Mental Health Professionals

Who can benefit from this unique form of therapy?

◦ A client with a Physician Prescription authorizing Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech language

Therapy and Mental Health Professionals......